Brass Kalash For Puja

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The Brass Kalash is not just a beautiful decorative piece, but also holds significant importance in Ayurveda and ancient Hindu rituals. According to Ayurvedic principles, storing water in a copper vessel can harmonize the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) within the body. And this magnificent Kalash allows you to experience these benefits firsthand.By storing water in this Brass Kalash for a minimum of eight hours, the water becomes infused with the positive charge of the copper, which is believed to balance the energies within your body. Embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda as you sip from this sacred vessel and feel the rejuvenating properties it imparts to your being.

Brass Kalash

Brass Kalash

Not only does the Brass Kalash serve as a powerful tool for personal well-being, but it also enhances the sanctity of your puja rituals. Its elegant design and golden hue capture the essence of spirituality, making it a captivating centerpiece for your altar or prayer room. Let its beauty inspire devotion and create a sacred atmosphere during your prayers and ceremonies.Crafted with utmost care and attention to detail, this Brass Kalash exudes quality and authenticity. Its durable construction ensures longevity, allowing you to cherish its presence in your spiritual journey for years to come. Whether you are seeking a divine gift for a loved one or looking to elevate your own spiritual practice, the Brass Kalash is a timeless treasure that holds both aesthetic and health benefits.

Embrace the ancient traditions of Ayurveda and Hindu rituals with the Brass Kalash. Elevate your spiritual connection and infuse your life with positive energy as you incorporate this sacred vessel into your daily routines. Experience the transformative power of this magnificent artifact and let its golden radiance illuminate your path to spiritual fulfillment.

Product Information :

Model Name Brass Kalash
Material Brass
Price 252
Width 2.5 Inch
Height 2.7 Inch
Depth 1 Inch
Weight 100 g


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